Friday, December 18, 2015

Gaze, As Well As Hence Engage Hug Strategy

When professionals are start out learning near The HUG, it is sometimes hard for them to imagine how to integrate the HUG Strategies in addition to other resources into their practice. Nurses, doctors in addition to doulas state me they already convey also much to achieve inwards also petty time! I sure tin appreciate this feeling of existence pressed for time; however, as novel learners acquire to a greater extent than comfortable amongst The HUG Strategies, they may detect (as I have) that opportunities oft arise for applying The HUG inwards the natural course of teaching of a hold out day. Here is but such a serendipitous HUG moment:

Claire, the medical pupil spending fourth dimension at the pediatrics exercise where I work, asked me to demonstrate her how to swaddle an infant. We practiced on a stuffed animate existence in addition to talked near effective strategies for supporting an overstimulated infant in addition to the safest agency to swaddle: allowing the baby's hips to flex in addition to avoiding overheating. We had but finished this curt teaching session, in addition to were walking downward the hall, when nosotros saw two-week-old Jason existence checked inwards for a visit, along amongst his mom in addition to grandmother.

I noticed that Jason was none also happy near existence weighed. I “gazed” at mom, whose wrinkled forehead in addition to anxious confront signaled that she was as uncomfortable amongst her novel babe lying there, uncovered in addition to fussing. Grandmother wondered aloud how long the staff was going to acquire out pathetic Jason exposed inwards the cool room. The stress on both mother’s in addition to grandmother’s faces told me that immediately was a proficient fourth dimension to implement the “Gaze, in addition to therefore Engage” HUG Strategy. I “engaged” amongst mom past times acknowledging that it is e'er upsetting to come across a babe fuss a few minutes. I in addition to therefore asked her permission to demonstrate swaddling her babe for Claire. Mom agreed, in addition to was eager for me to demonstrate her as well. 

As the nurse lifted Jason off the scale in addition to placed him on the measurement table, he showed us an SOS (Sign of Over-Stimulation) from existence awakened, undressed, in addition to immediately a petty cold. Mom in addition to grandma watched intently as I "broadcasted" his pale color, furrowed forehead in addition to jerky movements, in addition to and therefore "commentated" that these SOSs are i agency babies communicate amongst us, fifty-fifty without crying. I swaddled Jason's upper torso inwards ii slow tucks of the blanket in addition to explained the importance of leaving the blanket loosely wrapped some his hips in addition to legs. In the wink of an oculus I was able to “broadcast” that Jason was immediately still; his cheeks were pink; his eyes were wide, in addition to he looked correct at my face. 

Everyone smiled inwards a shared "Ah Hah" moment.  I “commentated” near the changes nosotros all but saw past times explaining that some babies demand aid controlling their motor action earlier they tin calm down. With a petty help, Jason had but moved from the Rebooting Zone to the Ready Zone -- create to play, create to eat, or create to convey his check-up. Mom said, "I can’t hold back to part this amongst my husband. I had a C-section, therefore Jason's dad has been doing most of his care." The experienced nurse looking over my shoulder joined in, "Thanks! I never knew how to create that!"

By applying the strategy of Gaze, Then Engage, inwards but a distich of minutes, i baby, ii household unit of measurement members, in addition to ii professionals got The HUG. And Jason, his mom in addition to grandma were all off to the assay room, correct on time, for his check-up.

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Nuova Insegnante Certifcata Hug Inwards Italia (Genoa)

TERESA-LIN SIMONAZZI DE LORENZO, Midwife, Genoa, Italy. Il programma HUG mi ha permesso di arricchire il mio bagaglio c...