Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Canadian Certified Hug Instructor Giving A Hug!

Michele Kezar is a certified instructor from Ontario, Canada. She is currently pursuing her certification every bit a postpartum doula too breastfeeding counselor. Michele is using what she has learned from HUG Your Baby to improve back upwardly her clients.

HUG Your Baby was 1 of the most informative courses I conduct keep ever taken. My undergraduate flat is inwards nipper evolution only nosotros never focused on newborns. HUG puts the data inwards everyday linguistic communication that is useful for novel parents too slow to remember. 

My favorite sense amongst HUG Your Baby is seeing parents react when they tin recognize their baby's trunk language! As a old instructor I conduct keep ever loved to run across when my students conduct keep those lightbulb moments. I at 1 time instruct my clients the HUG data prenatally too and thus follow upwardly postpartum. It's thus wonderful to ask heed them nation what THEY conduct keep seen inwards their baby. The linguistic communication that HUG uses is thus direct forrad too uncomplicated that it's clear too relevant for novel parents. They tin easily conduct keep what I am pedagogy them too run across it inwards activity correct away. 

I await forrad to using the HUG strategies amongst my parents. These novel parents are impressed past times my knowledge. Thank you lot HUG Your Baby for non exclusively helping me larn to a greater extent than nearly newborns an their trunk linguistic communication only providing me amongst an slow agency to instruct my clients every bit well.

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Nuova Insegnante Certifcata Hug Inwards Italia (Genoa)

TERESA-LIN SIMONAZZI DE LORENZO, Midwife, Genoa, Italy. Il programma HUG mi ha permesso di arricchire il mio bagaglio c...