Monday, August 27, 2018

An Evidence-Based Strategy For Pedagogy Professionals Inwards A Community Setting How To Assistance Parents Empathise The Linguistic Communication Of Their Newborn

HUG Your Baby: An Evidence-Based Strategy
for Teaching Professionals inwards a Community Setting How to Help Parents Understand the Language of their Newborn (2013)

By Gale Touger, BSN, FNP, IBCLC too Maryam Mozafarinia, MSN, BSN

The role of this study was to produce upwards one's heed if HUG Your Baby’s one-day community-wide preparation increases the cognition too confidence of professionals providing outpatient, community-based attention to parents nigh a newborn’s eating, crying, sleeping too parent-child interaction.   


Gale Touger teaching inwards Dominican Republic
Traditionally, nurture teaching came primarily inwards the cast of information passed from ane generation to another. However, today’s novel parents facial expression upwards challenges inwards information delivery. Such challenges include: living apart from extended family; parents working full-time; difficulty attention prenatal educational classes; too curt infirmary stays.
Early teaching matters. Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development describes the get down twelvemonth of life every bit a menstruum of neural plasticity too rapid adjustment to stimuli that allow the infant’s encephalon to develop to its maximum potential or not, depending on early on life experiences (Shonkoff 2000). doc T. Berry Brazelton’s move describes the essential elements of anticipatory guidance for parents (Brazelton, 1975) too suggests effective ways for them to respond to their infants. (Hagan, Shaw & Duncan, 2008). In addition, inquiry shows that a mother’s perception of her baby’s satisfaction alongside breastfeeding tin dismiss brand the departure betwixt continuing to breastfeed too switching to formula feeding (Karl, 2004). 
Maryam Mozafarinia (center) teaching inwards Montreal
HUG Your Baby (HUG Your Baby, 2018) is an educational plan created to heighten the attention that nascency too early on parenting professionals furnish to novel parents. H5N1 one-day, community- broad preparation distills extensive inquiry too literature nigh newborn deportment too parenting concerns unopen to baby’s eating, sleeping, crying too parent-child interaction. In addition, participants explore the HUG Strategies (Tedder & Register, 2007) inwards this training. These Strategies include learning the mightiness of Broadcasting a baby’s deportment (describing a baby’s specific behaviors) too Commentating on this deportment (explaining the importance of this behavior.) Multi-cultural video, instance studies, too role-playing assist professionals imagine how to communicate this information most effectively.

This study collected information from ii HUG Your Baby workshops, providing feedback from thirty-six participants (primarily nurses too doulas working inwards a diverseness of settings).

Educators inwards biological too other sciences occupation class-average normalized gain in pre too post-test scores to approximate the effectiveness of a course of study (Colt, 2010). Therefore, the get down fifteen, multiple-choice questions inwards the study tool were designed to stair out participants’ cognition of the information covered. Because a provider’s confidence to learn impacts how teaching is delivered, questions 16-30 inquire participants to study on their confidence to explain, too to demonstrate, elements of the cloth taught. (For example, participants responded to “I tin dismiss explicate how a newborn’s trunk changes inwards response to over-stimulation” on a 4-point Likert Scale.)

Recognizing that a gap oft exists betwixt one’s grasp of novel cloth too one’s mightiness to position novel information too skills into practice, this study tool was completed past times participants earlier training, at ane time next training, too ane time again at ane month.


Thirty-four participants returned pre- too post-tests. Twenty-one returned one-month post-tests every bit well. This study included information entirely from participants who completed all 3 tests.

Content areas were evaluated to ascertain participants’ cognition earlier the preparation too to position areas identified every bit needing to a greater extent than teaching.

Data confirmed a 30.1% increment inwards hateful bear witness scores of cognition at ane time after completing the training. Only a little drib inwards scores was observed betwixt the immediate post-test too the post-test administered ane calendar month later.

Participants came to the plan agreement Signs of Overstimulation (SOS). Before training, participants answered incorrectly questions nigh Zones too Crying. However, post-test scores increased 33% too 40% respectively.

Data showed that participants also increased their confidence to explicate too demonstrate the information too skills covered inwards this training.  At the one-month mark, all respondents agreed or strongly agreed that they were confident they could effectively learn parents nigh newborn behavior.


This study of HUG Your Baby’s one-day, community-wide preparation indicated that such preparation effectively increases both the cognition too confidence of outpatient, community-based professionals who learn novel parents nigh baby’s eating, crying, sleeping too parent-child interaction.

Enhancing professionals’ mightiness to furnish such information too skills helps parents appreciate their baby’s capacity to interact. This study, too the mission of HUG Your Baby, reverberate the move of doc Brazelton, who reminds us that “emphasiz[ing] the individuality of the infant … enhances the capacity of the household unit of measurement to offering him or her an optimal nurturing environment” (Brazelton, 1974).


Als, H., (2004). Individualized Developmental Care for Preterm Infants. Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School: Neurobehavioral Infant too Child Studies, Children’s Hospital Boston, USA.
Als H. (1982). Toward a syntactive theory of development: Promise for the assessment too back upwards of infant individuality. Infant Mental Health Journal, 3(4),229- 243.
Barnard, K.E. (2010). Keys to Developing Early Parent-Child Relationships, inwards Nurturing Children too Families: Building on the Legacy of T. Berry Brazelton (ed. B.M. Lester too J. D. Sparrow), Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, UK.
Barnes, M., Pratt, J. & Finlayson, K. (2008). Learning nigh baby: What novel mothers would similar to know.  Journal of Perinatal Education, 17(3), 33-41.
Brazelton, T.B., Koslowski, B. & Main, M. (1974). The origins of reciprocity: The early on infant interaction. In M. Lewis & L. Rosenblum (ed.), The consequence of the infant on its caregiver. New York: Wiley.
Brazelton, T. B. Symposium on behavioral pediatrics. Anticipatory guidance. (1975). Pediatric Clinics of North America, 22, 533-544.
Carey, W. B. (1998). Teaching parents nigh infant temperament. Pediatrics, 102 (Supplement E1), 1311-1316.
Colt, H. G., Davoudi, M., Murgu, S., & Zamanian, R. N. (2011). Measuring learning gain during a one-day introductory bronchoscopy course. Surgical Endoscopy, 25(1), 207-216.
Defense Centers of Excellence. Measuring too Reinforcing Learning. Retrieved from    
Gomes-Pedro, J., Nugent, K., Young, G. & Brazelton, T. B. eds. (2002). The Infant too Family inwards the Twenty-First Century.  Brunner-Routledge, New York too Hove.
Hagan J., Shaw J., Duncan P. (2008). Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, too Adolescents, Third Edition. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics.
HUG Your Baby. (2018). Retrieved from
Karl D. (2004). Behavioral soil organization: Breastfeeding. MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 29, 293–298.
Keefer, C., Johnson, L., Minear, S. (2009). Relationship-Based Practice inwards the Nursery: Thoughts for the Pediatric Professional. In Nugent, K., Petrauskas, B., Brazelton, T. B., The Newborn every bit a Person: Enabling Healthy Infant Development Worldwide. John Wiley too Sons. 
Labbok, Miriam. (2012). Community Interventions to Promote Optimal Breastfeeding. Infant & Young Child Nutrition Project. USAID.
Manning, K. (2009). Health Supervision Visits of Very Young Children: Time Addressing 3 Key Topics. Clinical Pediatrics, 48 (9), 931-938.
Nugent, K., Keefer, C., Minear, S.  Johnston, L., & Blanchard, Y. (2007). Understanding Newborn Behavior & Early Relationships: The Newborn Behavioral Observations (NBO) System Handbook. Paul H. Brookes.
Papousek, M., Schieche, M., Wurmser, H (2007). Disorders of Behavioral too Emotional Regulation inwards the First Years of Life: Early Risks too Intervention inwards the Developing Parent-infant Relationships. Zero to Three Press.
Shonkoff J., Phillips D., eds. (2000). National Research Council too Institute of Medicine, Committee on Integrating the Science of Early Childhood Development. From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Childhood Development. National Academy Press.
Smith, K.M.  (2007). Sleep too kangaroo care: clinical do inwards the newborn intensive attention unit: where the infant sleeps. Journal of Perinatal Neonatal Nursing, 21(2), 151-7.
Spencer, R. L., Greatrex-White, S., Fraser. D. (2010). Practice improvement, breastfeeding duration too wellness visitors. Community Practitioner, 83(9), 19-22.
Tedder, J. (2012). Teaching for Birth too Beyond: Online Program Incorporated into Birthing too Parenting Certification. International Journal of Childbirth Education, 27 (3), 65-68.
Tedder, J. & Register, N. (2007). The HUG: an innovative approach to pediatric nursing care. Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 32(4).
World Health Organization. (2002). Nutrient adequacy of exclusive breastfeeding for the term infant during the get down vi months of life. Geneva: World Health Organization.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Nuova Iinsegnante Certificata Hug Inwards Italia

Francesca Gusmeroli è fisioterapista dal 1997, insegnante di massaggio infantile dal 2006. Dal momento che vive inward mezzo alla natura ( inward Valtellina), ama scoprire e studiare la natura delle persone e la relazione tra di loro ed è per questo che è arrivata promotion Hug your Baby.

Sono fisioterapista da più di vent'anni e spesso entro inward contatto con bambini ed adolescenti che presentano teoricamente solo problemi fisici quali scoliosi, piede piatto, cifosi,..., ma andando più a fondo si notano difficoltà di contatto, di relazione genitore-figlio. La mia voglia di andare all'origine di queste carenze relazionali e della paura di contatto mi ha portato all'incontro con AIMI nel 2006. 

Grazie agli incontri coi genitori ho toccato con mano l'importanza del bonding, del contatto amorevole fin dalle prime number settimane di vita. Ho notato però anche come upward i genitori arrivino poco preparati a quello che li aspetta dopo la nascita del bambino. Sono sommersi da informazioni ( internet, gruppi whatsapp, facebook) ma non sono inward grado di utilizzarle e valutarle criticamente. Anche il personale che dovrebbe essere più preparato a sostenere la neofamiglia spesso offre notizie contrastanti. La mia esperienza personale di maternità nel 2015 mi ha fatto notare come upward alcune nozioni importanti come upward i due tipi di sonno, le zone del bambino, gli sos arrivino spesso dopo che il genitore ne ha già intuito l'esistenza. Per questo ho accolto con grande entusiasmo l'invito di AIMI a visitare il sito Hug your baby. 

E' stato amore a prima vista. Già dal corso introduttivo i concetti mi sono sembrati esposti inward modo molto chiaro ed efficace e soprattutto mi sono sembrati molto concreti e profondi. Nell'approfondire i concetti durante il seminario di due giorni non puoi che essere contagiata dall'entusiasmo di January e Benedetta. Lo stesso entusiasmo mi ha spinto promotion organizzare subito gli incontri con i genitori, spaventata dalla paura di non essere inward grado ma allo stesso tempo desiderosa di vedere le famiglie partecipanti uscire dagli incontri cariche e desiderose di vivere intensamente la relazione col proprio bambino.E così è stato! 

Il broadcasting è, secondo me, l'aspetto che più permette di concentrarsi sul bambino, di vivere il rapporto genitore-figlio liberi da giudizi e pregiudizi. eastward questo viene percepito dai genitori ed anche dal bambino. Durante gli incontri il bambino si tranquillizza e spesso guida, attraverso il linguaggio corporeo, a toccare gli argomenti giusti, quelli utili ai propri genitori.  Anche durante gli incontri prenatali le coppie si sentono rinforzate, sorprese di quello che un bambino può fare, e molto più pronte promotion affrontare l'avventura. Il senso di meraviglia è quello che più si manifesta ed è entusiasmante vedere come upward i genitori diventino immediatamente competenti nel leggere nei propri figli i segnali si sos, le zone, la fame,...  

Penso che il percorso hug your babe prima e l'AIMI poi possano essere ottimi strumenti di prevenzione di tante patologie anche di origine psicosomatica, di difficoltà relazionali e comportamentali nel bambino e nell'adolescente.  E' importante offrire ai genitori di oggi la capacità non di fare per il proprio bambino ma di sentire e osservare per riuscire a creare una relazione più vera e profonda che durerà nel tempo.  Grazie Benedetta e January per avermi permesso di avere a disposizione due strumenti così validi e potenti.

Nuova Insegnante Certifcata Hug Inwards Italia (Genoa)

TERESA-LIN SIMONAZZI DE LORENZO, Midwife, Genoa, Italy. Il programma HUG mi ha permesso di arricchire il mio bagaglio c...