Thursday, June 29, 2017

Perché Hug Your Babe È Importante Per 1 Professionisti Connessi Alla Nascita E Alla Genitorialità 

Martina Gregoris is a IAIM's Certified Infant Massage Instructor, Counsellor together with Montessori Educator working inward Udine, studying tike psychology at Marconi University inward Rome. She recently completed the origin two-day HUG Your Baby workshop at Papillon inward Genoa Nervi together with shares her thoughts amongst us.

HUG Your Baby è una formazione complementare per tutti i professionisti che si occupano a vario titolo di preparazione alla nascita e alla genitorialità. Contiene inward sé elementi fondamentali da tenere sempre presenti quando instauriamo una relazione con i genitori e le giovani famiglie. HUG Your Baby è orientato a trasmettere strumenti di osservazione, relazione e comunicazione che permettono al professionista di intervenire precocemente nell’empowerment dei genitori, e offrono ai genitori la grande possibilità di fermarsi, osservare, e comprendere i segnali del neonato

HUG Your Baby: Help to Understand together with Guide, cioè aiutare il genitore a comprendere e guidare al meglio il proprio bambino. Un neonato è un essere umano profondamente diverso da un adulto: i suoi ritmi, le sue reazioni, le sue emozioni, la sua fisiologia lo rendono a volte difficile da comprendere. Il pianto apparentemente inconsolabile, l’allattamento, i cicli del sonno completamente differenti da quelli del genitore, ma anche le competenze e la sensorialità di cui è dotato fanno sì che l’adulto che si prende cura di lui inizi, con la gravidanza e il parto, un percorso di apprendimento di nuovi linguaggi, di nuovi modi di stare insieme, di nuovi percorsi per creare e far fiorire una relazione che sia di nutrimento per entrambi. 

Come funziona? Attraverso la trasmissione di informazioni chiare, precise, che si possano associare alle informazioni già inward possesso del genitore. Attraverso alcune strategie di osservazione e di interazione, che semplificano la comprensione reciproca. Attraverso il riconoscimento dei segnali di SOS che lancia il bambino, così da offrirgli una risposta quanto più puntuale e precisa possibile all’interno di un contesto di calorosa accoglienza. Attraverso la scoperta di come upwardly i suoi ritmi circadiani siano inward formazione, di come upwardly lo sviluppo proceda a balzi, di come upwardly un buon sonno e una buona alimentazione concorrano a stabilizzare un benessere a tutto tondo, per il bambino, per i genitori, per la famiglia. 

Monday, June 5, 2017

Canadian Slumber Consultant Incorporates Hug Your Baby

Kim Sopman is a Sleep Consultant inwards Ontario, Canada. Though she has supported immature families for a let on of years, she finds that HUG Your Baby increased both her agreement of newborn demeanor too her powerfulness to learn parents. Here she shares her move amongst 1 immature woman raise . . . 

When I reverberate on the wonderful families I accept worked amongst during the HUG training, I beam amongst pride. I recollect of 1 mom inwards item who was having a actually crude oil fourth dimension non entirely amongst breastfeeding her babe but besides amongst helping her overtired babe learn the slumber she needed.

Since breastfeeding was challenging inwards the beginning, this mom had an overtired babe from the give-and-take GO too couldn’t tell if the babe was hungry or tired or perchance both. Though this mom felt completely overwhelmed, she wanted to last the best mom she could be. However, I could tell she was lacking confidence, too I wanted to aid her accomplish success amongst her footling baby.

When nosotros firstly met, I could tell that three-week-old Chloe was having problem regulating. Mom was belongings her tightly trying to calm her down. When she turned to me inwards desperation, I suggested that she sit down downwardly too chat equally she tried to offering Chloe a feed. She looked at me amongst relief, equally if I powerfulness advise something unlike for her to try. 

I realize that inwards my delineate of business, some slumber professionals are trying to eliminate feeds, non encourage them.  It is hard non to restrain inwards amongst advice correct away, but rather to focus on the straight off too on the positives that are clearly inwards front end of me amongst this mom too her novel baby. I was able to "Broadcast" how clear it was that this mom too babe already had a deep connection equally they looked into each other's eyes piece the babe nursed. Chloe seemed really comfortable, too mom was relaxed. When I told mom this, she smiled too said that breastfeeding was going much smoother now, but slumber was notwithstanding a struggle.

Mom too thus said that Chloe was ever hungry, fifty-fifty piece she slept! "Chloe would last moving closed to too wiggling amongst her eyes closed," this woman raise stated. I asked Mom if she ever waited a twain of minutes to run across what Chloe powerfulness do? Mom said she hadn't. 

I too thus spoke most how babies accept both active too calorie-free sleep, too that during calorie-free slumber babies may motion closed to or brand noises equally they transition into a deeper, notwithstanding sleep. Mom constitute this information really useful too said she would endeavour this during Chloe’s side past times side nap time. Mom was upset that she could accept been misreading Chole's torso language. I reassured her that she was a nifty mom, too straight off that this information was brought to light, she could hold off too lookout adult man what Chloe powerfulness create earlier rushing to feed.

Chloe’s mom called me a twain of days later, really excited. Chloe was becoming to a greater extent than too to a greater extent than rested too less irritable. Mom had watched Chloe a twain of minutes too saw that the babe was straight off able to transition, on her own, dorsum to deep sleep! 

Something thus unproblematic had such a huge touching for this parent, equally the whole solid unit of measurement were straight off getting to a greater extent than rest. By incorporating the HUG Your Baby methodology, I felt I was actually able to heed to the woman raise earlier giving advice too besides to boost her confidence to endeavour my unproblematic suggestion. I hold off frontwards to incorporating the HUG into all my slumber consultations!  

Nuova Insegnante Certifcata Hug Inwards Italia (Genoa)

TERESA-LIN SIMONAZZI DE LORENZO, Midwife, Genoa, Italy. Il programma HUG mi ha permesso di arricchire il mio bagaglio c...